
Our complaints process, should you ever need to escalate your support problem.

Compaints Procedure


The purpose of this complaints prodecure is to guide customers who wish to make a complaint, and outline the steps and time scales involved in resolution of their complaint.

Faelix aims to deal with any complaints in as streamlined a process as possible, and with clear explanations provided to customers in a timely manner.

Customers who require extra help with the steps outlined below will be catered to by staff by any means possible, such as making use of alternative communication mediums that suit the customer best. Customers may also nominate a representative to communicate with us if that is preferred.

Faelix is classified by Ofcom as a Communications Provider, and thus a Regulated Provider. This complaints procedure has been devised in accordance with section C4 and C5 of Ofcom’s customer complaints code guidance (dated 30 July 2018).

This complaints procedure covers complaints made by the following types of customer:

  • Domestic customers
  • Small business customers

How to make a complaint

Our complaints procedure comprises four stages, with complaints to be escalated to the next stage if the resolution or progress is unsatisfactory

You can initiate or escalate a complaint by using the contact details provided in the appropriate stage described below. Unless otherwise indicated by yourselves, we will communicate with you by email.

Stage 1 - Front line resolution

We aim to resolve any complaint that does not require investigation within 5 working days.

Your complaint will remain open until we receive confirmation that you are satisfied with the resolution, or for 28 days from the date of our response.

Option Description
Phone: 0161 710 2800
Write to: Customer Services, Faelix Ltd., 11 Bent St., Manchester. M8 8NF.

Stage 2 - Investigation and reporting of outcome

We will automatically escalate any complaint that we have been unable to resolve during Stage 1 processing. We aim to complete our investigation and provide a full report within 20 working days.

Your complaint will remain open until we receive confirmation that you are satisfied with the resolution, or for 28 days from the date of our response.

Stage 3 - Independant External Review (IER)

If you are unsatisfied with our proposed resolution from either Stage 1 or Stage 2, we will refer your complaint on to UKWISPA, the industry body of which we are a member.

UKWISPA is committed to providing a response within 2 weeks of being notified of the detail of the complaint.

Option Description
Phone: 03333 660036
Address: Member Complaints, UKWISPA, 4 Croftside Court, Cullingworth, Bradford, BD13 5DE

Stage 4 - Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

If you do not accept the findings of the IER, you may escalate the complaint to the Ombudsman Services.

Option Description
Phone: 0330 440 1614
Address: Ombudsman Services: Communications PO Box 730 Warrington WA4 6WU

Closing complaints

Complaints will only be closed by us under the following circumstances:

  • We have received communication from the Complainant that explicitly indicates that they are satisfied with our resolution
  • We have carried out our proposed resolution, and have not received any objection from the Complainant within 28 days of our communicating the proposed resolution to them
  • The complaint has been passed on to the Ombudsman for ADR
  • We have reasonable grounds to consider the complaint as being frivolous or vexatious

Record keeping and monitoring

We will keep a record of:

  • The date on which the complaint was received
  • The identity and contact details of the complainant
  • A description of the subject of the complaint
  • All communications made or received between us and the Complainant regarding the Complaint, including details of the date/time of the communication, and the method of communication (e.g. email, phone)
  • Where the Complaint is resolved because the Complainant expressly agrees that the Complaint has been resolved to their satisfaction, we will keep a record in writing of that express agreement
  • Where the Complaint is closed by us because we have received no response to our proposed resolution, we will keep a record showing the basis for concluding the Complaint has been resolved and that it complies with this guidance.
  • Where the Complaint is closed by us on the basis of an ADR letter being issued and the relevant time passes, then a copy of the ADR letter must be retained
  • Where the Complaint is closed by us because we consider the Complaint to be frivolous or vexatious, a record must be kept detailing the reasons why

Faelix will carry out periodic reviews of the complaints procedure, which will include analysis of the handling of past complaints. We welcome feedback on our complaints procedure from complainants either during or after resolution.

Document Version

  • In effect from: 2019-06-01
  • Next review before: 2021-06-01