Faelix Blog and News

Faelix Blog and News

/ by Kennedy / ,  + .

White-label ISP services in Preston

We're providing white-label ISP services in collaboration with National Fibre to deliver gigabit broadband connectivity to 130 flats in Preston.

/ by Kennedy / , ,  + .

Expanding the core network of a wireless ISP

We expanded and added reslience the network of TxRx, in spite of a forced move over Christmas from their existing provider.

/ by Kennedy /  + .

Faelix is a Zen Internet Wholesale Partner

Wholesale broadband services bring additional flexibility and agility to our connectivity services portfolio.

/ by Kennedy /  + .

Our Network Collective podcast

We did an hour podcast interview with Network Collective where they asked us about building out our provider network in the UK

/ by Marek 

Growing our RSS Feed

Adding an RSS feed to our statically-built website.

/ by Marek  /  + .

Our UK Ring is Complete

The last link in our network around the UK was brought into production service.

/ by Kennedy / , , ,  + .

How we helped Epix to mitigate a potential #FAIL

How we helped a client with server resilience and redundancy, making a number of marginal gains in hardware configuration and datacentre locations.

/ by Faelix 

We've been reading... #1

A post about what we've been reading over the last couple of weeks.

/ by Network Moose  / , ,  + .

Trialling ARM Boards as Compute Nodes

As part of our drive to increase energy efficiency we are always looking at new technologies that can help us further this commitment. We have taken inspiration from some of the largest cloud providers and begun trialling ARM-based servers for some of our CRM services.

/ by Marek  / ,  + .

Security Notice Regarding Faelix Registered Office

No client-confidential data or business-affecting items have been taken, following a burglary of the Faelix registered office (as no such items are kept there).

/ by Marek  /  + .

Change of Bank Account Details

A short notice that we are changing bank to Santander Corporate.

/ by Marek  / , ,  + .

Expanding to Geneva

An introduction to our recent hosting expansion project: servers in the Swiss Alps!

/ by Marek  / , ,  + .


Faelix provides off-site backup storage to several businesses. Some have bought a NAS for their office and a NAS to store in our racks. Some have a NAS in their office and rent off-site storage from Faelix. This gives peace of mind should a disaster befall a client's files. In all cases, though, customers want to be able to access their data while out of their office. How can we help?

/ by Marek  / , , , ,  + .

Network at Faelix

Triangles are solid and stable shapes, and for that reason they form the basis of our upgraded network. Our core network in Manchester Reynolds House looks a lot like a pentagram: no link is a single point of failure. Also, we are one of the few small ISPs to run more than one routing platform, which has isolated us from catastrophic implementation bugs if we had just one vendor involved.

/ by Marek  / , , ,  + .

Ganeti at Faelix

At Faelix, we love virtualisation technology. Ganeti is a virtualisation management system built by Google, and written in our favourite programming language, Python. This year we upgraded our hosting hardware, and when we did, we moved our virtual server hosting platform from our in-house script-based system to Ganeti. There were a few bumps and hiccups along the way, so this is how we did it.

/ by Marek  /  + .

It's 2015 and there are more security holes than ever!

In April 2014, after having lain in the code since December 2011, the discovery of the Heartbleed bug in OpenSSL was announced. Since then, it seems like barely a month has gone by without a major security hole in a major piece of infrastructure. Security seems to be getting worse rather than better. How come?