Tag: Presentation
18 September 2019 /
Takeaways from UKNOF44
Our highlights from the talks and topics discussed at the UK Network Operators' Forum.
09 April 2019 /
The Story of CVE-2018-19299
A tale of scanning IPv6 Address Space… and the remote vulnerabilities it uncovered.
05 May 2018 /
Using Teleport for Service Management
Using an advanced ssh server to adopt best-practice security measures, improve auditability, and empower both your customers and junior staff.
14 September 2017 /
Pushing Packets at Infest
Volunteering to help bring Internet connectivity to a three day music festival.
04 April 2017 /
Does the Internet Change Everything?
A lecture at Westminster University about the effects of the Internet upon democracy.
12 January 2017 /
NetMcr #7 Presentation: MikroTik RouterOS
MikroTik routers: what are they all about?
14 November 2016 /
Keeping Your Rack Cool with One "/ip route rule"
Keeping your rack Cool with one IP route rule - A presentation at the MikroTik MUM in London, 2016